So much for my sushi cravings this morning.....every teddy bear likes a flour burrito, filled with leftovers! This plain-looking 'roll-up' is packed with two dozen 'secret' ingredients, with it's 'flavor profile' directed by hot yellow Indian curry and jalapeno peppers, whole-leaf cilantro, scallions, spicy purple fingerlings, black-eyed peas in diablo sauce, sweet corn marinated in sourwood honey and tabasco puree, chopped pan-friend chicken with thyme, rosemary, orange sea salt and red curry, diced home-made pickled orange beets, curried lady peas and spicy okra chutney......rolled tightly in a bland-appearing camouflage of a Mexican flour tortilla, browned a bit in a hot pan 'painted' with walnut and truffle make a sherbet from the leftover honeydew melon....hmm.......


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