Carless Thanksgiving Dilemma

 "necessity is the mother of invention"..... Since I've been 'operationally' carless for a couple of months, due to my own inertia, having not 'dealt' with any of my three vehicles...., now, with flat tires, empty tanks or dead batteries.... and all three with other complications that I've not bothered with, because of both procrastination and indifference as much as an increasing agoraphobic disposition........I'm going through my 'larder' to create some Thanksgiving Fare to bring to an afternoon dinner......This has led me to the examination of frozen foods in the fridge and the large, downstairs 'deep freezer' in search of some components for a not yet conceptualized 'dish' that would not be out of synch with other friends' contributions.......I've just realized that there are absolutely NO 'normal' foodstuffs here, other than some boxed, dehydrated potato flakes and some canned Asian products, frozen persimmons, artichoke hearts and frozen dough for Indian flatbreads........fortunately, NPR is broadcasting some uplifting seasonal music as a soundtrack for this anxious about cassava and red bell pepper cakes with annar vati and habanero pepper sauce? Maybe not!


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