Hold the Candied Yams and Cheesy Mashed Potatoes, Dressing with Giblet Gravy, Green Bean Casserole topped with Fried Onion Rings, and Pecan Pie A La Mode.........

2nd day of 'weaning' from the excesses of Thanksgiving's fat, animal flesh and sugar.......now at cheesy grits and tangy shrimp in a thin, piquant sauce of globular fats...20 ingredients..rather than 20 courses........I remember 'hating' those Jim Dandy White Grits that Lucy dolloped out at 7 am as a constant companion to her overcooked eggs and already buttered toaster-oven toasted Ideal or Sunbeam white 'loaf' bread.....my pre-school breakfast....yuk! Fortunately my border collie would gobble down even this indelectable combination of bland calories..... I wouldn't 'touch' grits, having developed a prejudice against the cold, plastic, salty, white, vomitous masses with lakes of molten salted margarine at their centers, until I was in my mid-twenties, had discovered polentas and had experienced breakfast at Brennan's, Court of the 3 Sisters, and Joe Dale's....Sorry, Lucy, I loved you, but you were not the 'private chef' of my dreams, especially after Julia Childs appeared on afternoon television to wisen American tastes...particularly, my own..... in Food Preparation......


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