If you believe that 'Art' is totally apart from 'Reality'.....you are, perhaps, 'half right'......and if you think you're a 'Wit', make sure that you're not 'half right'......I just made some steamed dumplings, then looking at the bland, colorless gyoza, decided to toss them into a pan of bubbling hot Hoi Sin sauce.......they turned a more appealing color, but exuded the cloying fragrance of sweet, caramelized soy beans.....so I added some jalapeno pepper, garlic and habanero peppers.....now, my late afternoon lunch is just right.......I thought of the bland dumplings as analogous to 'ordinary' Reality....and the final, delicious chow as Art.....well, the way I make it...anyway.....When Life and Art coalesce....that's where the evolution takes place.....The where, changing, become the when for the next moment......understanding the grammar of thinking enables the expression, in words, of our grand illusion.....For those who are content with whatever they're served.....well.......they are always the same, expect the same and produce....the same old same........


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