Even for me.....an odd happenstance collaboration with memory of a recent viewing of a lightshow at The Botanical Gardens.....

The light 'strings' at Piedmont Park, last Saturday night, reminded me of those smaller than a millimeter in diameter noodles.....tonight, thinking of the noodles, boosted my desire to make some spinach cappelini noodles, stir them into roasted garlic and tomato marinara sauce with pork meatballs.....and parmesan cheese.......While I was concocting this, some chefs that were chatting on the radio by my sink, were going on about how folks are valuing chicken eggs more, since the price of them has been rising, lately....so....I made a 'perfect' fried egg and tossed it atop my pasta and meatballs......I'm going to mold the leftovers into a loaf and refrigerate it overnight, then slice the loaf and place the firm 'slices' between thin, toasted sourdough slices....for a tangy breakfast tomorrow morning......


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