mistake of the day!......I should have just bought a box of frozen, "custard-filled", eclairs @ Kroger.......Instead, not paying enough attention....I bought a box of 'fresh' eclairs.....not noticing that they were filled with this overly-sweet, white slop.......A had one, anyway; but, even after gulping down a cup of strong coffee, that horridly sweet, chemical aftertaste still lingers! Yuk! I took the 'box' out of the garbage, where I'd tossed the inedible eclairs, and noted the list of ingredients!.....What! : and, to think, this crap is fed to young children, rewarding them on 'Special Occasions' with 'stuff' that will insure their early decline in health and general emotional well-being! Even brushing my teeth and gargling with mouthwash won't 'get the taste out'.....Even Trader Joe's has abandoned 'selling' of some of it's more 'healthful' desserts, because sales were too low....consumers, generally, preferring the high-fructose laden junkfoods.....I remember those "Little Debbies" and all the 'new' Post WWII, chemical 'treats' that flooded the markets when I was a kid......The Killing of America had begun, and children were the new 'lab rats' for marketing......I should have known better.....But, I'll admit, I like those frozen, Delizza custard-filled eclairs.....so, just shoot me up with Karo!


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