a visit, yesterday afternoon, to what used to be Loehmann's, renamed a more 'fashionable' Brighten Park...brought about a 'dinner stop' at "Eataliano-Kitchen-Atlanta", where our waitress insured us that this was the 'best Italian restaurant in Atlanta'........The food was a bit disgusting, however....... I asked "Are your chicken wings as good as the ones at Thaicoon...down the street? "...... So, minutes later a plate of greasy, underseasoned 'wings' appeared, accompanied by some wilted, tasteless 'celery sticks' and rubbery 'carrot sticks' and a bowl of el cheapo ranch dressing.....the 'commercial' kind that comes in those huge plastic jars..........ugh!......then come the dinner companion had a sugary chocolate brownie...made, of course, from a commercial mix.....(add water and, maybe, an egg and a cup of saturated liquid fat......probably corn oil), dump on some cheap cornsyrupy artificallly flavored chocolate iced 'cream', then drizzle this mess with cornsyrup/imitation chocolate syrup and sprinkle this 'masterpiece' with o.k. walnuts and flavorless whipped cream 'foam'.... I had a soggy, flavorless tiramisu, made from dollar store ladyfingers, soaked in cheapo coffee and decorated with more of that foamy whipped cream and artificial chocolate syrup.........The tiramisu was somewhat 'better' than the 'batter from a bag' brownie........Yet.....all around us, in the busy, crowded 'IN PLACE TO CHOW DOWN'....I could hear yuppies going on about how wonderful the food was the sounds of obnoxious muzak, reverbrating off all the glass surfaces and the kitchen clatter.......


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